The Cohiba Experience
Cohiba can be found at premier cigar lounges throughout the country, and at several unique locations designed specifically with the Cohiba brand in mind. Take a look at these opulent smoking experiences below – and book your next trip to partake in one yourself.
Ritz-Carlton Bacara Santa Barbara, CA
Overlooking the Pacific, The Ritz-Carlton Bacara, Santa Barbara is known for its breathtaking views and unmatched accommodations. The Cohiba Experience cigar lounge features a relaxed, al fresco environment set along the picturesque California coastline. At the Cohiba Experience Bacara, every view and every moment is one to savor.
Book NowThe Preserve Sporting Club & Residences Richmond, RI
Nestled within the idyllic Preserve landscape is a unique experience featuring two of the world’s most celebrated indulgent brands. Cohiba cigars and Laphgroaig scotch are the marquee attractions at the Safari Tent Scotch and Cigar Tasting Experience, a private, two hour tasting, housed in a rustic-yet-premium setting. Accompanying the cigars and scotch are an assortment of culinary treats. This experience features a $995.00 food, beverage and cigar minimum and can accommodate up to 16 guests.
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