Bask in Luxury
The artisans at Cohiba are proud to present Cohiba Riviera, an exquisite cigar which enters new territory for the brand. Riviera is the only box-pressed offering in our collection, as well as the only to feature a San Andrés wrapper. Featuring a medium-bodied, three country blend, Cohiba Riviera is a unique expression, ideal for those wanting to experience a new view of luxury.
San Andrés -
Honduran Connecticut -
Honduran Jamastran, Honduran La Entrada, Nicaraguan Condega, Nicaraguan Esteli -
Frontmarks & Sizes
- Lancero Box-Pressed 7 x 38
- Toro Box-Pressed 6 1/2 x 52
- Perfecto Box-Pressed 6 x 60
- Robusto Box-Pressed 5 x 52